Barry Rosenthal started collecting plastic garbage on a New York shoreline. His photographs reveal the variety of water-borne trash.

plastic objects
Rosenthal chose oddly shaped plastic objects for this composition.
ByDaniel Stone
National Geographic magazine.

Beaches across the planet share many characteristics: sand, water, ocean breezes—and plastic. At Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, the coastal area where artist Barry Rosenthal goes collecting, trash piles up fast and in layers, as if at an archaeological site.

Plastics will indeed be the artifacts of our era, particularly in oceans, where the material invades ecosystems and floats around the world. More than five trillion pieces of plastic already fill the seas, with some nine million tons added each year.

plastic green containers


Artist Barry Rosenthal builds these assemblages to illustrate the extent of marine pollution. He keeps trash in his studio for months—sometimes years—until a critical mass of color emerges.
plastic objects

These objects have little in common beyond their shades of white—and their slow degradation by ocean waves, harsh sunlight, sand, and salt.
pens, pencils and markers

Rosenthal created an angular portrait out of pens, pencils, and markers. He finds the writing utensils strewn by the hundreds on a New York beach, many of them no longer usable.
plastic untensils

Manufacturers design products such as plastic utensils and to-go cups to be used only once. But these items don’t go away: Scientists believe some plastic trash lasts forever.

Rosenthal observed how bottles, toys, and food wrappers fade, wear out, yet never disappear. He started building and photographing sculptures of ocean trash to illustrate the problem of marine pollution. Eventually he began to gather the detritus to use as his art materials, cleaning a small section of the coast over and over again. “I started to just collect as much as I could and go back to my studio to sort it out,” he says. Each sculpture has a theme, by color, shape, or intended use, such as the motor oil containers below.

plastic clear cups
pharmaceutical waste
motor oil containers

Learn more about plastic waste and take the pledge to reduce it at natgeo.com/plasticpledge.

plastic bags wrappers

Among the trash that lines the shore are wrappers for candy, chips, and other snack foods.

A project begun for aesthetics has acquired a second purpose: raising social and environmental awareness. Now Rosenthal travels to speak about ocean pollution and what might help clean it up. The most meaningful advance, he says, would be to rethink our method of consuming.

“We need a paradigm shift in all packaging design,” he says. “Not just plastic bags and straw bans to make people feel good.”

This story is part of Planet or Plastic?—our multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic waste crisis. Learn what you can do to reduce your own single-use plastics, and take your pledge.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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