Do pets really make people happier and healthier?

While there is evidence that pets are great at curbing loneliness and boosting your physical activity, other purported benefits may not be as rooted in science as some believe.


Dogs has long been called man’s best friend. It is an assessment that is often based on the dog’s behavior: its loyalty, love, and eagerness to please. Pet owners like Sharon Reid of Grand Rapids, Michigan, says she’s experienced such devotion firsthand. “After my husband passed, my dog was the most reliable constant in my life to help me through the difficult months that followed.”

Among the most widely understood and accepted health benefits of pet ownership is that pets provide better coping strategies for stress, can promote greater empathy and compassion, and that their companionship can protect people from the ravages of loneliness.

These benefits are reflected in a recent survey from the American Psychiatric Association, which revealed that 86 percent of owners feel their pets have a mostly positive impact on their mental health; and that some 90 percent consider the animal to be a member of the family.

However understanding the degree to which pets contribute to the mental health and wellbeing of their owners is a matter of some debate among scholars. While most academics agree that certain benefits are well established, others may not be as rooted in scientific evidence as some believe.

Better cardio and mental health from pet ownership

Among the established benefits is that pet/owner interactions can enhance one’s quality of life. Research shows that playing with a dog can improve one’s mood, that reading to a pet can help children with learning development issues, that pets can lessen levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol in their owners, and that having a pet can increase one’s physical activity levels, according to the American Heart Association.

Indeed, Reid says that taking her Australian Shepherd out for a walk is sometimes the only time she devotes to exercise. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that pet-inspired fitness can “decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels.”

There’s also broad consensus on the mental health benefits that come from frequently connecting with another living thing.

Having a non-judgmental confidant can serve to buffer the effects of stress on both physical and psychological health outcomes.

Animals may also improve their owners’ academic performance. In two separate studies (one with six to eight-year-old children, the other with university students) interacting with a dog increased executive functioning, which is a cluster of processes that allow us to plan and stay on task.

Improved outcomes for the elderly, those with medical conditions

Pet ownership has also been shown to help a wide variety of people, including some dealing with specific mental health conditions.

One study published by the American Psychological Association in the Society of Counseling Psychology’s Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, found that therapy dogs are particularly helpful in reducing symptoms like inattention and diminished social skills related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Another shows how petting an animal can relieve symptoms of anxiety, and additional research demonstrates how having a pet can increase social behaviors of kids with autism.

2022 study shows that victims of PTSD are also buoyed by pet ownership. Research has found that having a PTSD service dog is not only associated with less PTSD symptoms for veterans, but is also linked with less anger, less social isolation, and better resilience to stress.

It’s also worth noting that some older adults may gain benefits from pet ownership. The comfort from having pets is especially important for those that have fewer close relationships with friends and family, such as older adults. Having a dog can help the elderly connect with others when they take it out for a walk or a visit to the park. These small social interactions can be really important to people who experience social isolation in addition to providing vital companionship at home.

When benefits are overstated

Despite such established benefits, there are cases in which pet ownership may get more credit than it deserves.

The scientific evidence for the health benefits of pet ownership is overall more mixed than is generally perceived by the public.

For example, people with pets have not been shown to necessarily fare better than non-pet owners during the pandemic as some believed, and no research has demonstrated that as a group, pet owners are happier than non-owners.

Possibly the most frequently overstated benefit of pet ownership is its impact on people who deal with clinical depression. In reviewing 30 peer-reviewed studies measuring an association between pet ownership and depression, 18 showed “no difference” in depression rates between pet owners and non-owners. Pet ownership is not a particularly reliable predictor of depressive symptoms.

Matching a pet with the right owner 

One thing scholars agree on, however, is that for people who want to own pets, matching the right pet to each owner is essential. The health benefits of having a pet are more likely determined by the manner of interaction between the owner and animal. As with people, whether or not you have a partner in life is probably not as good of a predictor of positive outcomes as the quality of that relationship.

That means choosing the right pet both individually and within a specific breed or species. While the benefits of dog and cat ownership are by far the most studied, other research has been conducted on the health benefits of human-pet interaction with other animals as well. These include fishguinea pigshorses, and even pet insects.

In choosing a pet, consider things like the type of activities one likes to do, who else in the home will be impacted by the animal, cost and affordability, one’s goals and objectives, and the amount of time one wants to spend caring for the pet.

If you love hiking in the woods, perhaps you would be a good match with a high-energy dog (such as a Border Collie, Boxer, or Jack Russell Terrier). But if you prefer to hang out on the couch with your pet, you might be better suited for a lower-energy dog, a cat, or a small pet such as a guinea pig.

Regardless of which animal one chooses, it’s also important to remember most pet owners get out of the relationship what they put in.

In order to reap the full benefits of pet ownership, you’ll want to spend time with your pet and actively engage in activities you both enjoy.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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