MOUNT HOLMES   2490m   8169′   
Mount Holmes is south of Kaslo River and northwest of the beginning of the Keen Creek road. It is 5 kilometres northeast of Mount Carlyle.

Difficulty: D3
Elevation gain: 1030m (3380′)
Key elevations: TH 1460m (4790′)
Time: 8 hours
Season: early July through September
Map: 82F/14 Slocan.

From Kaslo, drive 18.5 km (11.5 miles) west on Highway 3lA. Zero odometer.
From New Denver, drive 28.1 km (17.5 miles) east on Hwy 31A and turn south. Zero odometer.
0.0 Twelve Mile Creek road. If the road is not gated, drive to 1460 meters,
l.7km Go left at the switchback (stay on mainline after this).
6.1km Road ends at bridge out.

1. West Ridge, Southwest Face.
Route: Hike up the road to the southwest for ten minutes past cliff bands and a narrow chasm in the creek (941-360). Head up through steep open timber and reach the crest of the north ridge (942-352) of a westerly peak to 2300m (7550 feet).

Exit left (east) onto grassy meadows and descend into the large bowl northwest of Holmes. Traverse southeast and ascend a snow tongue to a col (2360m, 7750 feet; 943-339). Follow the ridge east for one kilometre, and finish on 110 meters of Class 3, the west ridge, southwest face (crumbly black shale). There was a cairn with no record.
A 7 to 8 hour trip. (III,3,s).
FRA Kim Kratky, Peter Tchir, July 17, 2005.


About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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