HEART LAKE   2240m 7350’
This tiny alpine lake is set in pretty meadows. This hike is not well known outside the local area – a local gem most don’t want advertised. So please don’t tell anyone about this hike.

Rating: ♦♦◊◊◊
Location: On the east shore of the north end of Kootenay Lake.
Difficulty: B1
Elevation Gain: 600m
Key Elevations: Park: 1650m; Heart Lake 2238m 7350’
Distance: 3.6kms
Time: 2 hours
Season: July to September
Access: Good 2 WD low clearance. In 2020, there were relatively few water bars.
Map: 82K/2 Lardeau

Drive: Drive north of Kaslo on Hwy 31 to the small town of Cooper Creek. Turn right (east) onto Argenta-Johnsons Landing Road, Cross the Duncan River on a good bridge, and, on the east side of the Duncan River, turn south. The road is signed for Argenta and Johnsons Landing. Follow this road south for about 10.5 km. Just after the road crosses Bulmer Creek, the signed Salisbury Creek FSR exits to the left (east).
0.0 Salisbury Creek FSR
1.3 km. A spur road exits right (downhill), stay left.
6.7kms. Spur road exits, take the uphill fork.
9.3kms. Park at the road end for the Heart Lake trailhead. 20 metres from the absolute end of the road, look for a trail heading north through fireweed towards a large tree marked by a hiker sign.

Trail: Initially, the trail climbs gently through forest and contours north into the south fork of Bulmer Creek. After about 30 minutes, come out into a boulder field and follow the trail east up the valley to a col on the NE ridge of Tooth Ridge. Although slightly difficult to follow in parts, where you need a trail – through the timber – it is well defined and maintained. Beyond this col, the trail travels northeast to the tiny Heart Lake.


About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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