An easy, forested hiking trail that loops around the lake.

Difficulty: A1 easy
Distance: 3.8 km round trip
Elevation: +0m
Time: 1.5 hours
Season: April to November

Drive. Nancy Greene Provincial Park is located at the junction of Highway 3 and 3B between Castlegar and Christina Lake. From Castlegar, drive 30km west to the junction.

Trail. Walk down to the beach to find the trail starting on either side. Walk through the forest with glimpses of the lake here and there. Cross Blueberry Creek at the far side.
As you near the campground, the views of the lake open up again. Go for a swim on a hot day.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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