Boulder Pass crosses the southwest ridge of Mount Carlyle. The hike is from Carlyle Lodge and traverses the Mt. Carlyle Bowl through to the pass. Views from the pass are to the Purcell Mountains. Larches

Rating: ♦♦♦◊◊
Location: Cross the bowl below and then the southwest ridge of Mt Carlyle.

Difficulty: A1 easy
Elevation Gain: +206m
Key Elevations: Mt Carlyle Lodge 2174m / 7133feet; Carpenter Pass 2299m / 7543feet;
Boulder Pass 2376m / 7795’. Mt Carlyle 2648m / 8688’
Distance: 3.2kms round-trip
Time: 1½ -2 hours
Season: June to October
Access: Good 2WD low-clearance.
Map: 82F/14

Drive: Refer to the Carpenter Pass post.

Route: Starting from Carlyle Lodge, hike up the trail towards Carpenter Pass to the triangular-shaped water hut. Go off-trail by contouring around the bowl below Mt Carlyle. As Mt Carlyle comes into view, look east to locate the pass on the southeast ridge coming down from Carlyle’s summit. Aim for the trees to the left of a distinctive boulder called ‘Tabletop Rock’, which sits on the ridge. Follow ascending cairns across a boulder field. From the ridge, look down to the Flint Lakes.

What to Do:
1. Climb Mt Carlyle. +200m over large boulders.
2. Hike the ridge to the Pyramids, the peaks at the south end of the ridge.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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