GREAT NORTHERN Rail Trail (Nelson & Fort Sheppard Railway – Salmo to Nelson)
Rail Trail to Troup Beach 
COLUMBIA & WESTERN Rail Trail (Castlegar to Midway)
KETTLE VALLEY Rail Trail  (Midway to Hope)
SLOCAN VALLEY Rail Trail  (Columbia & Kootenay Railway – South Slocan to Slocan City)
NAKUSP & SLOCAN Rail Trail (Nakusp to Three Forks)
Galena Trail 
KASLO & SLOCAN Railway (Kaslo to Sandon)
K&S Rail Trail to Payne Bluffs

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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