Located just east of the watershed, southwest of Devil’s Hole Lake and one km east-northeast of the northern summit of the Three Sisters. Map 82F/3 Salmo.

1. West-Southwest Ridge. Access is via Sheep Creek and Panther Lake and its trail, given under the Three Sisters. From the lake, ascend north- east up boulder slopes, cliff bands and more boulder slopes to reach the southeast ridge of the Middle Sister (972-463). The southeast ridge is Class 3, 1.5 hours from the lake to the
Descend blocks of the north ridge of the Middle Sister to the col east of Three Sisters Lake (0.5 hour). Then climb the south slopes of the North Sister, another half hour, to the top (973-469; Class 3) at 2372m.
Descend the east ridge of the North Sister, with its ups and downs, turning the difficulties on the south side, and climb the Class 3 west- southwest ridge of Un. 2384m to the top in one hour (983-473). There are excellent views of Elmo and Devil’s Hole Lakes.
FRA by the Topographical Survey, date and route unknown. Climbed by Kim Kratky, Sept. 17, 1993.

2. South Gully. Descend a big gully on the south side and make a descending westward traverse to the col at 973-465. (This is the second col southeast of the Middle Sister.) This avoids the Middle Sister by skirting its east side. (There is some difficulty ascending to the height of land at 978-457.)
A long, diagonal descent (some cliff bands and light bushwhacking) goes to the trail at the east end of Panther Lake, a grueling two hours from Un. 2384m. Round trip, over the Middle and North Sisters, 6.5 hours (a fast time);
FRA Kim Kratky, 17/9/1993.







About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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