
It’s one of those old-fashioned sayings you’ve heard over and over, but probably never really stopped to consider the meaning of; perhaps your mother even said it to you as she tucked you into bed: “Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!” It’s cute. It rhymes. How could it refer to anything even remotely malevolent? And yet…
While you may not have to think about being bitten by teeny insects when you’re fast asleep in your bed at home, you’d better at least make yourself aware of what bedbugs are – and learn how to deal with them – if you’re going to be traveling. Because even if you can’t see them, that doesn’t mean they’re not there.
Bedbugs are, to get technical, a tiny nocturnal insect that lives off of the blood of warm-blooded creatures – including humans. They come out of their hiding places during the night and early dawn and bite their dozing victims, usually for about five minutes until they’re full. You’ll know you’ve been bitten if you wake up and find little spots of blood on the sheets or small bumps on your skin that form orderly rows (often in groups of three). For some unknown reason they often bite only one member of a couple, leaving the other person completely uninvolved.
Bedbugs, unlike roaches, are not associated with unsanitary conditions. In other words, the cleanliness of a hotel or hostel doesn’t have any direct bearing on whether you’ll find bedbugs there. Certainly, thorough and regular cleaning (especially of mattresses, blankets, and other soft materials) will go a long way in keeping an infestation of bedbugs from getting a foothold in the first place, but bedbugs can be transferred from place to place on the clothing of the travelers who are staying in those hotels and hostels, so even places that are cleaned regularly could be hosting a few unwanted critters. New York City hotels are one of the most affected in the world.

Detecting Bedbugs Before Bedtime.
If you have any reason to believe that the hotel or hostel room you’re looking at staying in has bedbugs, there are a few areas you can check for before it’s lights out. Because bedbugs typically hang out in clusters when they’re not feeding, you stand a decent chance of finding some if there’s an infestation. Look at the seams of mattresses, box springs and pillows. If you find what looks like a dark stain, look more closely. Check any areas where you’re going to be putting your bags and clothes in addition to where you’re going to sleep, including chairs, desks, and closets.
The waste bedbugs produce is extremely dark in color, since it’s digested blood, so if you see dark stains on the sheets, that’s cause for further questioning.

What to Do if You’re Bitten by Bedbugs
Even the cleanest and most cautious traveler can still get bitten by bedbugs, so it’s good to know what to do if you find that you’ve been a bug’s buffet during the night.
Despite what you might think, bedbug bites aren’t known to transmit diseases. The worst they do is make you itch where they bite, which is an allergic reaction to the anti-coagulants they inject into the victim as they’re feeding.
Before you pack your stuff and move to your next location, you’ll need to wash all of your clothing in at least 120°F water to make sure any bedbugs hiding in the fabric are killed. You don’t want to be the ride they hitch to the next hotel.
If you can’t wash something in 120°F water, another option is to put items in a clothes dryer set on medium to high heat for at least 10 minutes (20 minutes is better).
Don’t send your clothes for dry-cleaning without taking steps to kill the bugs yourself first, because that could just spread them to the dry-cleaning establishment.
Another method to kill the bedbugs (or potential bedbugs) in your stuff is to put your belongings in a black plastic bag and putting the bag outside in a location where it’s going to get hot and sunny (rooftop terrace, closed vehicle), and leave the bag there for a day. The fewer items in the bag the better, so as to eliminate any cooler spots for bugs to hide from the heat. The internal temperature of the bag needs to reach 120°F in order for this method to work.
Although the bites you’ll get from bedbugs may itch, if you can avoid scratching them too much that’s good, because you risk infection if you break the skin. The itching can last several days at worst.

Antihistamines. People who are allergic to bedbug bites can develop severe reactions with large, swollen lesions with incredible itch. Oral antihistamines like Benadryl (especially helpful at night as they are sedative), Reactine, or Claritine (these tend not to be sedative) are very useful to reduce your allergic response, decrease itching, and help the lesions resolve faster.
While corticosteroids taken as pills generally don’t have much of an impact on the itching, topically applied corticosteroids (such as hydrocortisone) do help some people by speeding the healing process and decreasing the level of itching.

About admin

I would like to think of myself as a full time traveler. I have been retired since 2006 and in that time have traveled every winter for four to seven months. The months that I am "home", are often also spent on the road, hiking or kayaking. I hope to present a website that describes my travel along with my hiking and sea kayaking experiences.
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